

¡你好! こんにちは! 你好!

At 网赌正规真人实体在线平台, the study of 世界语言 can serve as the foundation for many careers. Whether you are a complete beginner, have some experience or are already fluent, we 给你上一节课!

  • You want to be more competitive in the job market.
  • 你计划与不同的社区合作.
  • You want to enhance your cultural awareness.
  • You like to socialize and make new friends.
  • 你喜欢音乐吗!
  • You want to enhance your creative expression.

世界学系 Languages at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 currently offers programs in French, Japanese 和Spanish. We are committed to providing language and cultural instruction to enhance your studies, travel experiences, and professional growth. 世界语言学系 believes that students with an international understanding of culture, coupled with competency in a second language, will be better equipped to meet the professional 21世纪的挑战. We accomplish this by using a communicative approach, through the use of media and technology, strategic student placement and textbook 选择.





Japanese courses offer student-centered instruction that focus on communicating effectively in Japanese, appreciating the Japanese culture and recognizing linguistic and cultural connections between Japanese-speaking parts of the world and the United States.

The Japanese program prepares students to enter a four-year university and continue their study of the language by earning a Bachelor of 艺术 degree.

Twice a year, students have an opportunity for cultural exchange with students from 武川赖特堡研究所.

  • November: the Japanese students come to 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 to share presentations.
  • Spring: 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 students visit Mukogawa students in Spokane sharing activities and delicious 食物.

The students create life-long friends with each other.




image of students and instructor in Spanish class

With first-year, second-year, Spanish for Spanish speakers and the Spanish Medical Interpreter Program, we offer classes for every level. 查看所有课程选项卡 你的选择.

“Taking the Spanish for Native Speakers series was such an enriching experience for me. I was looking to improve my Spanish skills with a class that was more at my level. The other classes offered were too easy for me, and although I did learn a few things, they weren’t 帮助ing me reach the proficiency I desired. Barboza教授做了一个 amazing job adding to the knowledge that most heritage speakers already have of the language by giving them a deeper understanding of it. 她帮助我熟练掌握了一门语言 I never even thought was possible in just one academic year. 除了是 an amazing Professor, she is also a great person to talk to and really cares about 帮助她的学生成长. The only thing I would change about my experience is take 她的课更早! I want to graduate from the Spanish Medical Interpreter Program in 2024”



There are guidelines for both non-Spanish speakers 和Spanish speakers to 帮助 you determine which course best suits your level. 如果你的经验超出SPAN&121, 参加分班考试(WebCAPE) which will 帮助 determine which Spanish course is right for you.

This online test is only for those with prior Spanish knowledge and takes about 15 几分钟完成. 教师要求参加分班考试(WebCAPE) score to grant students permission to enroll in courses above SPAN&121. 遗产 和Spanish speakers may enroll in 跨越205年 without taking the placement test or a 先决条件覆盖输入代码.

请填写 先决条件覆盖请求 表格报名参加SPAN以上的课程&121 and include the specific course registration 编号和截面. 表格可以在下面找到 学生形式 在霍克中心.  电子邮件 your completed form to the instructor to sign prior to 学期的第四天.

Placement Guidelines for Non-Spanish Speakers
Skills and knowledge to have before taking this class
  • 没有正式的学习,或者
  • Limited success in past coursework (C or D’s) or
  • 如果你两年前学过Spanish.
SPAN&121 Recommended prerequisite: successful completion of at least ENGL 099.
One year of high school Spanish with a grade of B or above.  SPAN&122

Basic Spanish proficiency in speaking, reading, writing, and listening comprehension 用现在时.

Two years of high school Spanish with a B or above SPAN&123

Basic to intermediate Spanish proficiency in speaking, reading, writing and listening 现在时的理解.

Three years of high school Spanish with a B or above SPAN& 221, 222 or 223 Intermediate Spanish proficiency in speaking, reading, writing and listening comprehension 现在时和过去时.
Travel, mission, volunteer and/or limited study abroad experience with basic conversational 能力. SPAN&121 Recommended prerequisite: successful completion of at least ENGL 099.

Study abroad experience in a Spanish-speaking country for a year or more.

跨越205年 Recommended prerequisite: successful completion of at least ENGL 099.

Skills and knowledge to have before taking this class
小时候在家里学习Spanish 跨越205年  
学习ed Spanish in the home and/or attended school in a Spanish-speaking country. 跨越205年、206或207
  • Prerequisite 对于跨 206: 跨越205年 or instructor permission.
  • Prerequisite 对于跨 207: SPAN 206 or instructor permission.



WebCAPE is an online test available to students who have prior Spanish language knowledge to make sure they are properly placed in the correct course level. 电子邮件的 School%20of%20艺术%2C%20Humanities%20%26%20沟通 也请求链接参加测试.  Note: you must be a current 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 student and use your student email address when sending 请求.

遗产 和Spanish speakers may enroll in 跨越205年 without taking the placement test or a 先决条件覆盖输入代码.


Instructors require your WebCAPE score in order to provide you permission to take SPAN以上类别&121. 电子邮件 your test score to the instructor of the course you 与一个完整的 先决条件覆盖请求 表格报名参加SPAN以上的课程&121 and include the specific course registration 编号和截面. 表格可以在下面找到 学生形式 在霍克中心.

  • 0 ~ 269:在SPAN中注册& 121.
  • 270到345:在SPAN注册& 122, or 123.  
  • 346到427:在SPAN中注册& 221, 222 or 223.
  • 427 and above: Register in 跨越205年、206或207.




While there is no course challenge exam that grants credits in 世界语言, students who begin their language study at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 at the 122 level or higher are eligible to receive up to five prior learning credits using 网赌正规真人实体在线平台’s Course Challenge Form. 目前有 a $125.00 charge for these course challenge credits. 完成清单的学生 below earns credit for the course prior to that taken. 推荐的课程顺序 for beginning language learners in the first year is 121, 122, 123 and in second year is 221, 222, 223.


Prior to the intended quarter of enrollment, take the WebCAPE language placement exam to determine your most appropriate language level. 你可以 also consult with an instructor in the 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 World Language Department for additional 帮助. 也可参阅 Spanish分班指南 为Spanish课程提供指导.

Spanish205 is expressly for native Spanish speakers and does not require a placement 考试或预备课程. Students starting at 跨越205年 earn prior learning credits 对于跨&123.

Complete one quarter of language at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 beginning at the 122 or higher with a final 二年级.6或以上.

The grade you earn in the class you enroll in and complete will be the designated grade for the course that you are challenging.

The Course Challenge Request Form is a fillable PDF form.  可以在 先前学习的学分  页面下的“课程挑战”选项卡. 

You may submit the eform prior to the end of the quarter. 然而,这个部门 provides final approval after the quarter has concluded and final grades have been 发布.

Fill out Section 1 of the Course Challenge Request eform by accessing your transcript on My网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Kiosk to get the course quarter and GPA

On the “I have gained experience and knowledge for this examination by” line, include the course you completed, its four-digit registration line number, the year and quarter you took this course, the final GPA you earned, and indicate that you are using the 世界语言 先前学习学分s process. 

Electronically sign and date the Course Challenge Request form, then email it to either 你的导师 安东尼奥% 20克鲁兹 在第2条申请部门批准.

When the Course Challenge Request form is returned to you for Section 3, pay the non-refundable 向鹰中收费.

电子邮件 both the Course Challenge Request form and your receipt of payment to either 你的导师 安东尼奥% 20克鲁兹 在第4条获部门批准.

They will forward it on to Student Records for processing.


A student has had two years of high school French. 分班测试(WebCAPE) or a 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 French instructor determines that the student should enroll in FRCH&122. 完成法语课程后&122加2.6 GPA成绩 (the minimum grade required challenging a course), the student earns five credits for FRCH&并可请求和接收 five additional, prior learning credits for FRCH&121和同样的2.6 GPA成绩.

A student has some high school Spanish and spent a year as an exchange student in 秘鲁. 分班测试(WebCAPE) or a 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Spanish instructor determines that the student should enroll in SPAN&221. 完成SPAN后&221带3.9日平均绩点, the student receives five credits 对于跨&221 and may request and receive 5 additional, prior learning credits 对于跨&123年, 同样的3.9日平均绩点.


image of Spanish Medical Interpreter Program

Spanish Medical interpreters are sought after in every community. 他们和病人一起工作 who speak limited English to 帮助 them communicate with medical staff. 这一年 program 帮助s students learn terminology, gain experience and prepares for certification 测试.



Among current employer outlook trends in the United States, individuals with bilingual skills will have a clear advantage in an increasingly competitive labor market. 更多的 employers are inclined to hire bilingual candidates when two equally qualified candidates 是在竞争同一份工作吗. In other words, employees who have language and cultural diversity as part of their skillset enjoy a competitive edge and can 帮助 their respective businesses and organizations thrive in a multicultural world.

Language skills are valuable in a variety of fields, and can 帮助 you find jobs such as:

  • Advertising, marketing and public relations
  • 农业产业
  • 律师服务
  • 儿童保育和老年护理提供者
  • 咨询
  • 创意写作
  • 客户服务和人事管理
  • 海关及入境事务
  • 教育/bilingual education/para-educators/tutoring in middle school, high school 和大学
  • 英语语言习得 or English as a Second Language (ESL) instructor 和导师               
  • 外交事务官员
  • 卫生和社会服务
  • 人力资源
  • Intelligence (CIA, FBI, National Security)
  • International business, banking and finance
  • 国际关系
  • Interpretation in healthcare and legal services professions
  • 新闻、出版和编辑
  • 执法人员和急救人员
  • 联络官
  • 语言学
  • 文学
  • 兵役和国家安全
  • Music, film, drama, entertainment, photography and social media
  • 外联和宣传
  • 和平队和援助机构
  • Politics, civics, public service and advocacy
  • 项目管理
  • 研究
  • 餐饮及食品行业
  • 科学、工程和技术
  • 社会工作者
  • 语言病理学家
  • 翻译服务
  • 旅游、旅游和酒店业


Are you ready for a fun and challenging learning experience? 世界学系 Languages at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 has dedicated faculty who possess an invaluable amount of teaching experience and knowledge with which to prepare students with educational and career opportunities in languages in the United States and abroad.


课程:  一年级的西班牙 和Spanish for Spanish Speakers



课程: 一年级和二年级Spanish课

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Club Advisor


课程: Spanish和西班牙医学口译



课程: 一年级的西班牙


课程: 一年级和二年级日语



